Septic Bursitis

Septic Bursitis
[ ] Bursal fluid with WBC count > 50K typically
[ ] <select><option>Dicloxacillin 500 mg PO QID</option><option>Nafcillin 2 grams IV for inpatient</option><option>Vancomycin 1 gram IV</option><option>Linezolid 600 mg IV BID</option><option>PCN ax: Clindamycin 450 mg PO TID</option></select>
x ? days

<b>Discitis / Vertebral Osteomyelitis</b>
[ ] Vancomycin 1 gram IV BID and Nafcillin 2 grams IV QID
[ ] If c/f Pseudomonas or other GNRs add Gent 5 mg/kg IV

[ ] <select><option> Nafcillin 2 grams IV Q4h</option><option>Vancomycin 1 gram IV BID if MRSA suspected</option><option>Ceftriaxone 2 grams IV QD if GNRs suspected </option></select>
[ ] If pseudomonas suspected, add: <select><option>Cefepime 2 grams IV BID</option><option>Cipro 400 mg IV TID or 750 mg BID</option><option>Levaquin 750 mg IV QD</option></select>
[ ] If diabetes or vasculopath, give: <select><option> Vancomycin 1 gram IV BID </option><option>Linezolid 600 mg IV BID</option></select>
PLUS: <select><option> Zosyn (Pip/Taz) 4.5 grams IV TID </option><option>Unasyn (Amp/Sulb) 3 grams IV QID</option><option>Levofloxacin 750 mg IV QD and Flagyl (Metronidazole) 500 mg IV TID</option></select>

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